是的,在懷孕17週時就知道了。當初知道老四是唐寶時難過無比,一路從診所哭著回家,整個晚上都在哭,哭的肝腸寸斷。隔天便到圖書館找到了這本Babies with down syndrome A new parents' guide ,想多了解唐寶寶,然後就上網買了這本書回家,尤其是在知道孩子有心臟缺陷後更是努力看書,那些醫學名詞都超難,但再難阿母也是要一字一句讀下去,下載估狗翻譯大神APP在手機上,隨輸隨翻。這本書資料真的很豐富,比中文的資料豐富許多。
說實在話,美國的早療資源比台灣豐富許多,我們剛出院回到家,便接到infant-toddler program ITP兒童發展協會社工的電話,開始要向我約時間來家裡為孩子規劃可能需要的幫助。這個協會是專為0-3歲有特殊需求的孩子及家長成立的。但我請他們3月底再來拜訪,因為孩子的心臟要開刀,在開刀之前不能生病,只要生病,即使是尿布疹都會讓排定好的開刀日延後,所以這些日子我們家謝絶訪客,而阿母我也暫時沒了社交生活,非要出門時,婆婆若有空便來幫我看孩子。每天早晚帶女兒去上學也成了我唯一可以放空的寶貴時間。 送孩子上學或出門接小孩時走州際公路,享受一下高速開車的快感,回家時走鄉間小路,龜速聽台灣的流行中文歌(也沒多慢啦<時速35-45英哩,約是台灣的時速60-70)
Leonard didn't pass hearing test while he was still in the hospital. The past whole month I was worrying about what if he couldn't hear my voice, what if he... Lots of worries. Today we went into a children's hospital to do it again using a slightly different machine. His left ear passed the test but not his right ear after 3 times testing. The assistant let the machine keep running while the provider explained to me what we should do next and about to make next appointment. Surprisingly Leonard's right ear passed the test at the 4th time. I was so happy and felt big relief and thought this is the best News of the year.